The physical process of hearing is a marvel – wonderful sounds like music, conversation with loved ones, waves crashing on shore and more are picked up by our ears and transmitted to our brain for pro
Exercises to Improve Stability and Balance
A fall at any age can result in serious injuries that take time to heal. For seniors, injuries resulting from a fall can have significant impact on daily life. Balance and stability are essential for
Costs of Falls Among Older Adults
In 2013, the direct medical costs of older adult falls, adjusted for inflation, were $34 billion. With the population aging, both the number of falls and the costs to treat fall injuries are likely to
Exercise, Staying Fit and Older Adults
Having an active lifestyle becomes much more important as you age. Regular exercise is a great way to increase your energy, maintain your independence. Research has provided that regular exercise can
SuperAger Brains Yield New Clues to Their Remarkable Memories
HIGHLIGHTS Brains of 80-year-old SuperAgers look 30 years younger They have nearly 90 percent fewer tangles linked to Alzheimer’s Brains have whopping supply of neuron related to higher social intelli
10 Tips to Improve Your Sleep No matter your age, everyone can benefit from improved sleep as it rejuvenates our body to be able to tackle the challenges of our daily lives. This video e
Centenarians Reveal Their Secrets To A Long, Happy Life
One hundred years ago, the average American’s life expectancy was between 50 and 60 years, and so the estimated 53,000 centenarians in the United States today have lived much longer than most of their
What Is Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is “pure” insurance. It offers protection only for a specific period of time. If you die within the time period defined in the policy, the insurance company will pay your beneficia
Is Vision Loss Inevitable With Age?
Eighty-three percent of U.S. adults believe their eyesight will worsen as they age, no matter what preventive steps they take, according to a recent DSM Nutritional Products survey. While genetics and