A common symptom of a stoke survivor is aphasia. Aphasia can affect a person’s ability to speak and to comprehend what others are saying. It can be emotionally difficult for both the stroke survivor a
Acknowledging You Need Assistance
As caregivers, we sometimes become so involved in the day-to-day efforts to keep things going we may forget to let others know we need additional assistance with providing care, or just need a break f
What is Adult Day Care?
Adult Day Care Centers are designed to provide care and companionship for seniors who need assistance or supervision during the day. The program offers relief to family members or caregivers and allow
Choosing an Adult Day Center
Adult day centers provide a planned program that includes a variety of health, social and support services in a protective setting during daytime hours. Below are some suggestions for choosing the rig
Home Safety
Many caregivers are supporting and caring for loved ones in their own homes, while others are caring for loved ones who are living in their own homes. Typically, most homes are not designed for caregi
Palliative Care – What You Should Know
Palliative care (pronounced pal-lee-uh-tiv) is specialized medical care that focuses on relief of the symptoms and stress of serious illness. The goal is to prevent and ease suffering and to improve q